Based on the rise and fall of one of the world's most valuable startups #WeWork (and the love story at its heart), #WeCrashed is the new #AppleTV+ show starring #JaredLeto and #AnneHathaway about the startup’s founder #AdamNeumann. James gives his take on the series so far.

Plus, criminally underrated actor, #SebastianStan is finally having the time to flex his acting muscles in #PamandTommy and #FRESH (both available on Disney+). The former is a series based on the scandal around #PamelaAnderson and #TommyLee's stolen honeymoon sex tape, and the latter is new film starring #NormalPeople star #DaisyEdgarJones. We gave our take on this new side to the #WinterSoldier.

Also, rom coms star beautiful people in beautiful homes in beautiful weather, with lots of free time and plenty of outdoor space to enjoy it in. What’s not to like?

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