This is probably up there with my top 3 favorite podcasts I’ve ever recorded.  If you haven’t listened to any of my podcasts, I hope you’ll check out this one!  It’s good!

Questions I get asked often:
“What do you do when you don’t want to keep going with your fitness goals?”
“Natalie, how do I even get started with this business idea I have?”
“I’m feeling paralyzed by perfection.”

In this podcast, I fill you in on the new projects I’m working on right now (like our mountain retreat!), my exact step-by-step process of how I pull the ideas out of my head, get them on paper, and create an actual product.  

It’s the exact same process I go through when I’m feeling stuck with my weight loss and fitness goals.

Action creates momentum.  Remind yourself of this over and over if you have to.  Write it on a sticky note and tape it to the wall if you need to.

Imperfect action is better than no action at all.

My top three tips (which I explain in more detail in the podcast) are:
1) Just get started.  Don’t be that person who always is waiting to “start on Monday”.  Start right now with what you have. I explain my “brain dump” process which is what you see in this photo.

2) Find a mentor and/or surround yourself with a tribe of people who have similar goals.  I am a very influenceable person (which can be good or bad) and I know that if I surround myself with people doing the same types of things I want to be doing….I will have much better success.

3) Be realistic.  Do a social media cleanse if you are following anyone who makes you feel “less than” or “not enough”. Remember that you have to have a 1.0 version before you can ever get a 2.0 or a 10.0 version.  Everyone begins somewhere.

Hope you’ll listen and I hope you love it <3

So much love,