I traveled to Las Vegas AND New York City for speaking events in the span of ten days last week.  It was a lot of travel and kind of took its toll on me. (I’m actually not someone who loves travel and I am kind of a homebody and prefer being at home with my normal routine and my garden - anyone else? Or am I just weird that way?)

A lot of you guys asked how I handle my diet and workouts when I travel, so I recorded a quick podcast talking about what I did well on these trips, and what I totally bombed at.

Things we go over:
-What kind of quick grab and go snacks you can pack in your suitcase

-Which is more important on vacation: follow your diet or getting your workout in?

-How to order at a restaurant when on vacation but still trying to be mindful of your calories.

-My secret little trick for order wine, bread, and/or dessert at dinner.

-How to modify your workouts with a hotel gym.

Hope you enjoy it!  Do you have any tips for traveling? I’d love to start a conversation here!  Let me know in the comments!
