It has the Brigadier, a mysterious new companion, and a lot to say about regeneration — if Mawdryn Undead is anything, it's first-class fan service that's meant to appeal to longtime fans of Doctor Who. Strange, then, it's episode that long ago sparked one of our host's decades-long journey through time and space, ultimately leading to the podcast you're listening to now. Maybe that's why the randomizer took Pete and Chris here: to look at our own origins, a metaphorical "meeting of ourselves" that shorts out the time differential, leading to a massive burst of creativity and growth. Or maybe it just really likes Turlough. In any case, it's time to set our transmat capsules for 1983 and hope we don't undershoot by six years!

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Story Essentials

Season 20, Serial 3
Story number: 125, per the The Pull To Open Codex
Production Code: 6F
Writer: Peter Grimwade
Producer: John Nathan-Turner
Aired 1 – 9 February 1983

Pull To Open: Mawdryn Undead

Season 2
Episode 8

Background music: Freestylah by Alexander Nakarada

Outro music: Chronos by Alexander Nakarada

Hosts: Pete Pachal and Chris Taylor


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