In this episode, I talk to Financial Therapist Brenda St. Louis. She has an interesting background and started out in Clown School in Vancouver before launching her career.  We talk about the stigma behind finances, money and income and how a Financial Therapist can break through those issues so you can earn more money and enjoy a powerful, fulfilling life. She thought me about the different archetypes and how to use them to my advantage.  


About Brenda: 

Money Coaching explores the practical elements around money. It's about financial literacy, building systems that allow your money to work for you, and understanding how to leverage the money you make so that you can have a life that you love. Brenda work with bank accounts, lines of credit, saving, spending, investing and more. 

Financial Therapy unpacks the emotional inheritances you adopted from your family. Here, we explore the unconscious behaviour that motivates you with money, unlock limiting beliefs around money and self-worth, and begin to heal any trauma that may have prevented you from interacting with money in a healthy way. Brenda helps you learn and practice strategies to navigate your unique money personality more skillfully.

 The Money Archetype Quiz
Links To Built To Rock (by application only)