In this episode, I interview Aaron D'Souza, a Dating Coach about skills you need to find a successful date and how they actually can be transferred and applied to business. Some of the topics we cover include the importance of being a lifelong learner, how to handle rejection, how to have a mindset that will help you achieve your goals, and how to find out what you really want. 

Aaron D'Souza is an entrepreneur who specializes in helping women who are single create the dating and relationships life that they want. His journey towards becoming a dating coach for women started in his mid-twenties when he read a few blog posts by Steve Pavlina about nonmonogamous relationships and thought "Is long-term monogamy the BEST way to structure my long-term romantic relationships?

What if there are better alternatives (for long term fulfillment and happiness) given the fact that so many long-term monogamous relationships end before they're expected to, and in the many that continue, partners don't seem very happy. Long-term, happy, fulfilling, and dynamic monogamous relationships seem to be the exception and not the rule. Surely there must be a better way."

This search led him to explore the dating, sex, romance, and relationships world in unconventional ways, (being rejected most of the time as you can imagine) and wondering if he'd ever come up with a solution. It was only after working with dating coach Alan Roger Currie since 2017 did he find his unique solution that resulted in finding better matches much faster, dealing with rejection more confidently, and feeling good about his path. In August 2018, at 31 years old, he finally found his perfect match for that part of his life until they amicably broke up in April 2019 due to different lifestyle priorities. His focus is to help women develop a sense of inner confidence and a set of tools unique to them so that they can create the relationship type that they want, however conventional or unconventional, at any point in their lives, long after they've worked with him.

Aaron is also a public speaker, mastermind group facilitator, and coach for career transitions and public speaking. On October 20, 2019, he delivered a talk titled "Monogamy or polyamory – which is more wise, natural and honest?" at the Vancouver Convention Centre. D'Souza offers one-on-one coaching to his female clients. If you'd like to transform your dating and relationships, please send him a private message letting him know.

Aaron's Facebook: 

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Link to the book Aaron mentioned: