Chris is one of the top medical whistleblowers ever — and he’s still at it. He owned and was CEO of a highly regarded Northern California lab testing company, Hunter Labs, until he was squeezed out of business by the predatory pricing scheme of the “Blood Brothers,” Quest and LabCorp.

Their quid pro quo scheme, which involved loss-leader pricing to doctors and clinics to gain to their exclusive testing business, and then overcharging Medicare and Medi-Cal 20 to 40-fold, has cost taxpayers billions of dollars — and forced higher quality, but smaller labs like Hunter, either to fold or be absorbed by them. The Blood Brothers’ scheme is one of the most nefarious in the medical fraud world that Chris fought to expose.

Blood Money is the true legal thriller of a terrifying David vs. Goliath
fight against massive healthcare fraud by a brave Whistleblower.  It
includes attempted murder, extortion, money-laundering, fraudsters hiding money in the Cayman Islands, gold buried in a storage container in a CEO’s backyard, an Assistant Attorney General sabotaging her
state’s case, and a corrupt Governor torpedoing litigation by his own
Attorney General. 

From Silicon Valley to the Sunshine State, in a showdown that reads like a Hollywood movie, Chris Riedel survives to share it all. His actions have resulted in more than $550 million in settlements and a court verdict