LIVE! from the main stage at The Energy Authority's 2023 Energy Symposium, Paul and Laura moderate a panel on market disruptors with energy executives and leaders

Paul Dockery and Laura Trolese moderate a panel on disruptors to resource adequacy, day-ahead, and real-time markets at The Energy Authority’s 2023 Energy Symposium with Melie Vincent, Richard Dillon, and Jamie Mahne. After a serious discussion of disruptors, they tackle less serious energy analogies in a game called “Disruptors or Duds”.

07:34 - Large weather patterns changing evaluation of resource adequacy

21:40 - Accounting for new uncertainty in day-ahead markets

32:32 - Volatility of natural gas and real-time markets

46:38 - Disruptors or Duds: a niche pop culture or sports reference as an analogue to an energy industry topic

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