People with chronic diseases have suffered the most during the pandemic both in rates of COVID-19 mortality and morbidity, and in how they experience the social determinants of health (things like food insecurity, poverty, etc.) The health disparities that exist in those with chronic disease and poor social determinants of health are stark, and the pandemic clearly demonstrates the link between health equity and the social determinants of health. On today’s episode, we speak to chronic disease experts and public health leaders on how to address this growing divide.

Our guests discuss how public health can reduce disparities in communities of color and rural parts of the country where rates of chronic disease are highest--often by starting with the social determinants of health and putting racial equity at the forefront.


Karen Hacker, MD, MPH, Director of CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion M. Norman Oliver, MD, MA, State Health Commissioner, Virginia Department of Health Susan Kansagra, MD, MBA, Board President, National Association of Chronic Disease Directors and Section Chief of the Chronic Disease and Injury Section, Division of Public Health


National Association of Chronic Disease Directors' Board President Challenge (NACDD) Equity as a Pillar in Our Vaccine Rollout (ASTHO) An Ounce of Prevention Is Still Worth a Pound of Cure, Especially in the Time of COVID-19 (CDC) Health and Economic Costs of Chronic Diseases (CDC) Health Equity (CDC NCCDPHP) Social Determinants of Health (CDC NCCDPHP) ASTHO Challenge: Building Healthy and Resilient Communities