Claire Hannan, Executive Director of the Association of Immunization Managers, says vaccines have benefitted from the attention they’ve received during the pandemic; Jessica Baggett, ASTHO’s COVID-19 Response Director, says states and territories have work to do to prepare for the rollout of antiviral therapies, like the AstraZeneca formula given emergency use authorization by the FDA Wednesday afternoon; a new ASTHO blog article details how an interagency collaboration aims to improve business processes in the U.S. Virgin Islands; and the Surgeon General has a new toolkit available to help public health agencies address online misinformation.

Association of Immunization Managers webpage: National Influenza Vaccination Week

CDC webpage: National Influenza Vaccination Week

ASTHO Blog Article: Interagency Collaboration to Improve Business Processes in the U.S. Virgin Islands

U.S. Surgeon General: A Community Toolkit for Addressing Health Misinformation