ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Dr. Marcus Plescia says there are more questions than answers regarding the Omicron variant now in the United States; Dr. Plescia writes in a new ASTHO blog article that the pandemic presents an historic opportunity to address health equity in the U.S.; Aika Aluc, ASTHO’s Senior Analyst for Maternal and Infant Health, examines the many ways states and territories have worked to advance breastfeeding and health equity in a new report; and ASTHO releases details of a new webinar series exploring breastfeeding equity.

CDC website: First Confirmed Case of Omicron Variant Detected in the United States

ASTHO Blog Article: The Historic Opportunity COVID-19 Presents to Address Health Equity

ASTHO Report: Examining State Innovations to Advance Breastfeeding and Health Equity

ASTHO Webinar Series: Fostering Breastfeeding Equity Through Community Engagement