Katie Steffens, Deputy Program Manager for the State of Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program, is working to give potential employees the skills they need to thrive; Suja Shunmugavelu, ASTHO Senior Director of Engagement, discusses this week’s Executive Leadership Forum; Joh Auerbach, Senior Vice President for Public Health at ICF, tells us about a high-level discussion on the social determinants of health that you can now watch; and an ASTHO brief explains how Guam public health officials are working to centralize their grants management and procurement processes.

ASTHO Blog Article: Tobacco Control Programs Use Business Process Mapping to Strengthen Workforce

ASTHO Webpage: Diverse Executives Leading in Public Health

ASTHO Webpage: Peer Networks

ICF Webpage: Public health on the front lines – A conversation about the social determinants of health

ASTHO Brief: Centralizing Administrative Functions, with Lessons Learned from Guam