Megan Drake-Pereyra, ASTHO Advisor for Public Health Infrastructure, says island area agencies are looking to update plans and processes following the pandemic; Arthur U. San Agustin, Special Assistant to the Office of the Governor, tells us Leaders in Guam have spent a lot of time working to improve the way they manage small purchase procurement; the CDC has issued a health advisory regarding a federal health care fraud indictment against a telehealth company that provides ADHD treatment; and the ASTHO Leadership Institute is building a new cohort of senior public health leaders interested in strategic professional development.

ASTHO Blog Article: How Two Island Health Departments Are Preparing for Successful Public Health Planning

ASTHO Public Health Review Podcast: Using Business Process Improvement to Address Procurement Challenges in Guam

CDC Webpage: Disrupted Access to Prescription Stimulant Medications Could Increase Risk of Injury and Overdose

ASTHO Webpage: ASTHO Leadership Institute