Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, reacts to the decision to recommend approval of a pediatric COVID-19 vaccine; Dr. Nicole Alexander Scott, Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health, says Health Equity Zones have helped many communities in her state weather the pandemic; ASTHO publishes a new blog article about the tobacco industry’s assault on attempts to prohibit the sale of some or all flavored tobacco products; and Jim Blumenstock, ASTHO’s Senior Vice President of Pandemic Response and Recovery, appreciates public health workers with a “thankful” note.                      

CDC webpage: COVID-19 ACIP Vaccine Recommendations

Rhode Island Department of Health webpage: Health Equity Zones Initiative

ASTHO Blog Article: Despite Major Benefits, Flavored Tobacco Regulations Face an Uphill Battle Led by Big Tobacco

APHA webpage: Public Health Thank You Day