Dr. Tomas Aragon, ASTHO Membera and Director and State Public Health Officer of the California Department of Public Health, discusses a new website to give people the information they need to understand and deal with the opioid crisis; Dr. Elizabeth Cuervo Tilson, ASTHO Member and State Health Director and Chief Medical Officer for the North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services, describes her state’s comprehensive plan to address gun violence; Carolyn Mullen, ASTHO Senior Vice President for Government Affairs and Public Relations, says Congress may be on track to meet new federal spending deadlines; ASTHO will host a webinar to discuss how Indiana’s legislature approved a 1500 percent increase in public health funding; and Mike Fraser, ASTHO CEO and Dr. Brian Castrucci, de Beaumont Foundation president and CEO, will explore how public health professionals can build strategic skills in a webinar.

 California Government Webpage: California’s Opioid Response

ASTHO Webinar: Investing in Public Health Infrastructure – Indiana's Success Story

ASTHO Webpage: Building Strategic Skills for Better Health – A Primer for Public Health Professionals

ASTHO Webinar: Building Strategic Skills for Public Health Professionals