Brianna Gorman, ASTHO Analyst for Performance Excellence, explains ways to connect public health and health care in communities; Dr. Lindsay Weaver, ASTHO member and State Health Commissioner for the Indiana Department of Health, tells us how Indiana was able to get lawmakers to approve a 1500% increase in funding last year; Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO Chief Medical Officer, reminds readers there’s still a lot of concern about COVID and possible mutations of the virus in a news article; and ASTHO in collaboration with the CDC has made it easier to search and examine overdose legislation with an online dashboard.

ASTHO Blog Article: Legislative Action Bridging Public Health and Clinical Healthcare

ASTHO Webinar: Investing in Public Health Infrastructure – Indiana's Success Story

Scripps News Article: CDC says no peak anytime soon for COVID-19, flu and RSV

ASTHO Webpage: ASTHO’s Public Health Legal Mapping Center