Dr. Sameer Vohra, Director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, examines the third edition of the state’s maternal morbidity and mortality report; Dr. Umair Shah, Secretary of Health for the Washington State Department of Health, discusses Washington State’s plan to prevent suicide and save lives; Massachusetts is working with communities to prevent suicide, overdose, and adverse childhood experiences; and an ASTHO blog article offers advice for members dealing with the rise of seasonal illness.

Illinois Department of Public Health News Release: IDPH Releases Third Edition of Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Report Covering 2018-2020

Illinois Department of Public Health Webpage: Maternal Mortality in Illinois

Seattle Times Opinion Article: Suicide prevention starts with each one of us

ASTHO Webpage: Closing the Distance in Massachusetts

ASTHO Blog Article: From the Chief Medical Officer – Preventing Respiratory Disease Spread with Less Authority, More Influence