Dr. Mark Levine, Commissioner of the Vermont Department of Health, says ASTHO’s new policy statement on suicide prevention offers many recommendations including a call to improve access to health care services for those at highest risk; Dr. Robert McDonald, Medical Officer in the Division of STD Prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), says most cases of newborn syphilis likely could be prevented with testing and treatment during pregnancy; Dr. Susan Kansagra, Assistant Secretary for Public Health and Director of the North Carolina Division of Public Health, says a recent investigation that found lead in some pureed fruit pouches is testament to the hard work that public health agencies perform every day on behalf of their communities; and sign up for ASTHO’s legislative alert emails.

ASTHO News Release: ASTHO Releases Five Health Policy Statements

CDC Webpage: U.S. Syphilis Cases in Newborns Continue to Increase – A 10-Times Increase Over a Decade

The Hill Webpage: Fruit puree pouches recalled after elevated lead levels found in North Carolina children: FDA

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