Patricia Tilley, Director Division of Public Health Services with the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, discusses ASTHO’s sexual and reproductive health policy statement; Meghan Fadel, Associate Director of the Healthy Brain Initiative at the Alzheimer's Association, says the Healthy Brain Initiative Roadmap is an important tool in the work to address Alzheimer’s; Dan Keating, Washington Post Reporter, tells us about a project that studied chronic disease and life expectancy in the United States; and an ASTHO toolkit will allow you to find out how your agency is doing managing its grants process.

ASTHO News Release: ASTHO Releases Five Health Policy Statements

ASTHO Webpage: Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy Statement

Alzheimer’s Association Webpage: Healthy Brain Initiative (HBI) Road Map

Washington Post News Article: An Epidemic of Chronic Illness is Killing Us Too Soon

ASTHO Webpage: Grants Management Office Structure Optimization Toolkit