Dr. Cathy Slemp, Former State Health Officer for the WV Department of Health and Human Resources and now Co-Chair of the West Virginia Hope in Action Alliance, says the alliance is a group that builds collaborations focused on substance use concerns in the state; Amy Schlotthauer, an ASTHO consultant, helped author a new ASTHO guide to help agencies expand their falls prevention work; an ASTHO report examines the Medicaid safety net and the impact of Section demonstration 1115 waivers; and an ASTHO primer focuses on he health impacts of lead in drinking water.

Hope in Action Alliance Webpage

ASTHO Report: Expanding Falls Prevention Through Surveillance, Community-Clinical Linkages, and Strategic Planning and Evaluation

ASTHO Report: Strengthening the Role of Public Health Agency Officials in the Health Safety Net System

ASTHO Report: Going Beyond Regulatory Compliance for Lead Testing in Water