Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO Chief Medical Officer, wants public health to focus on medical providers as the primary way to promote the RSV vaccine; an ASTHO blog article explains why public health readiness during the respiratory virus season is key; an ASTHO blog article outlines how to use data to better understand the vaccine opinion landscape; and Dr. Kris Bryant, a healthcare epidemiologist at Norton Children's Hospital, says the American Academy of Pediatrics is working to make it known that health disparities exist when it comes to influenza.

ASTHO Blog Article: Policymakers Boosting Public Health Readiness for Respiratory Illness Season

ASTHO Blog Article: Using Data and Effective Messaging to Support Strong Vaccine Policy

American Academy of Pediatrics Webpage: Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Influenza in Children, 2023–2024

Healthy Children Webpage: Which Flu Vaccine Should Children Get?

ASTHO Webpage: Stay Informed