Judith Persichilli, New Jersey’s Commissioner of Health, explains a data driven grassroots COVID-19 vaccination strategy that saved lives; New York Times journalist Danielle Ivory tells us how she would use the information in her story about public health if she were a state or territorial health official; and ASTHO has two new reports – one that shares the experiences and thoughts of several full-time disability and preparedness specialists working in departments across the country, and another that addresses the challenges agencies have had fully spending CDC money awarded in support of the Overdose Data to Action strategy to battle the opioid epidemic.

New Jersey Department of Health Webpage: Ambassador Initiative Provides Model Approach

New York Times: Why Public Health Faces a Crisis Across the U.S.

ASTHO Brief: Reducing Vaccine Hesitancy for People Living with Disabilities

ASTHO Reports: Federal Award Spenddown – An Analysis of Spending Challenges and Opportunities for Agencies Funded Through the Overdose Data to Action Cooperative Agreement