Priya Shah, ASTHO Senior Analyst for Health Improvement, discusses a new guide to falls prevention that outlines strategies and best practices; Dr. Philip Chan, Infection Disease Consultant at the Rhode Island Department of Health, credits Rhode Island’s status as a universal vaccine state as to why they are a leader in adolescent immunizations; and an ASTHO blog article by ASTHO Chief Medical Officer, Marcus Plescia, outlines why healthy aging and brain health are public health issues.

ASTHO Report: Expanding Falls Prevention Through Surveillance, Community-Clinical Linkages, and Strategic Planning and Evaluation

Today In Parenting Webpage: Rhode Island Remains A Vaccination Leader Nationwide

State of Rhode Island Department of Health Webpage: Office of Immunizations

ASTHO Blog Article: From the Chief Medical Officer: Public Health Approaches to Healthy Aging and Brain Health

ASTHO Webpage: Stay Informed