Heather Hamner, Maternal, Infant, and Toddler Nutrition Team Lead at the CDC, explains the importance of Breastfeeding Awareness Month; the Trust For America’s Health has launched a new podcast to highlight the work in the Age-Friendly Public Health systems movement; Dr. Anne Zink, ASTHO President, is quoted in The Hill newspaper regarding the recent approval of RSV vaccines; and ASTHO members are sharing their thoughts about work to improve the safety of dialysis.

CDC Webpage: Priority Breastfeeding Strategy – Continuity of Care

NACCHO Webpage: The Continuity of Care in Breastfeeding Support Blueprint

Age Friendly Public Health Podcast

The Hill News Article: What Newer Immunizations Mean for This Year’s Respiratory Viral Season

ASTHO Blog Article: Enhancing Dialysis Safety – Voices from the Making Dialysis Safer Coalition