Wendi Wilkes, Senior Advisor at the Environmental Protection Agency Office of Water, explains lead testing program that allows schools and child care agencies to remove the threat of lead; Heather Sebero, ASTHO’s Senior Analyst for Social and Behavioral Health, says partnering with community-based organizations is a powerful tool to address mental health; ASTHO resources show that your physical environment significantly impacts health; and stay up to date by signing up for ASTHO’s Legislative alert emails. 


EPA: WIIN Grant: Voluntary School and Child Care Lead Testing and Reduction Grant Program

ASTHO Webpage: Addressing the Youth Mental Health and Loneliness Crises Through Social Connection in Schools

ASTHO Webpage: What Surrounds Us Shapes Our Health—Look to Primary Prevention for Better Health

ASTHO Infographic: What Surrounds Us Shapes Our Health

ASTHO Webpage: Legislative Alerts