This special edition revisits Episode 440 of Public Health Review Morning Edition from June 13th.


Dr. Brooke Cunningham, Commissioner of Health for the Minnesota Department of Health, says public health leaders must review place-based metrics to understand health inequities; register for ASTHO’s virtual TechXpo on June 15th; Janet Hui, Senior Director of Public Health Data Modernization and Informatics at ASTHO, says TechXpo gives public health officials a chance to engage in peer-to-peer discussions about technology; diverse leaders reflect on influence in a new ASTHO blog article; and a new ASTHO webinar explains a tool to help agencies measure suicide prevention programs. 

ASTHO TechXpo: Virtual Edition

Minnpost: The role of data in achieving health equity in Minnesota

ASTHO Webpage: Defining the Power of Influence for Public Health Leaders

ASTHO Webinar: Showcase of the Suicide Prevention Indicator Explorer