Dr. Anne Zink, ASTHO President and Chief Medical Officer for Alaska Department of Health, explains best practices for building connections with the federal government; Dr. Benjamin Beard, Deputy Director of the CDC's Division of Vector-Borne Diseases, discusses Malaria cases in the United States; ASTHO has published a blog article advising health officials on Malaria; John Auerbach, Senior Vice President for Public Health at ICF, talks about growing concerns for the health of the LGBTQ community; and ASTHO has a new Webinar Series on addressing the youth mental health crisis


ASTHO webpage: Strengthening State and Federal Connections: Q&A with Anne Zink

CDC: Mosquito Home Page

ASTHO Webpage: What Health Officials Should Know About Locally Acquired Malaria Cases in Florida and Texas

Health Affairs: LGBTQ+ Health Is An Essential Component Of Public Health Equity Efforts

ASTHO Webinar Series: Leveraging Different Sectors to Address th