Dr. Janelle Palacios, Nurse Midwife and Researcher at Kaiser Permanente, says we need better data on the health challenges facing American Indian and Alaska Native mothers and their babies; Dr. Clifford Mitchell, Director of the Environmental Health Bureau for the Maryland Department of Health, discusses advancements in Maryland’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program; ASTHO partners with NACCHO on a new webinar discussing the Public Health AmeriCorps program; ASTHO has a new Q&A with Palina Louangketh, Chief of the Bureau of Equity and Strategic Partnerships for the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, on health equity in Idaho; and ASTHO is hiring multiple positions.  


ACIMM: Making Amends: Recommended Strategies and Actions to Improve the Health and Safety of American Indian and Alaska Native Mothers and Infants

Maryland Department of Health: Lead Poisoning Prevention  

Public Health Review: Data Strategies to Improve Health Outcomes for Indigenous Communities

ASTHO Webinar: Meet Public Health AmeriCorps, A Pipeline for Public Health Workforce

ASTHO Webpage: Q&A with Palina Louangketh

ASTHO Webpage: Careers at ASTHO