Janet Hamilton, Executive Director of the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, explains how $2 billion in CDC funds will help hospitals and healthcare facilities fight infections; Jonathan Wolfe, ASTHO’s Senior Director of Content Development and Communications, highlights the value of attending ASTHO's next Insight and Inspiration conversation on October 20th; ASTHO publishes a new blog article examining how "long COVID" has changed federal and local workplace policy; and we feature three ASTHO job openings.

CDC News Release: CDC to invest $2.1 billion to protect patients and healthcare workers from COVID-19 and future infectious diseases

Website: The Council for Outbreak Response - Healthcare-Associated Infections and Antimicrobial-Resistant Pathogens

ASTHO Blog Article: Long COVID causes health policy shifts across states

ASTHO Webpage: Insight and Inspiration

ASTHO Webpage: Job opportunities in public health and at ASTHO