Dr. Janelle Palacios, a member of the Advisory Committee on Infant and Maternal Mortality, says there is an urgent need to improve health outcomes for American Indian and Alaska Native mothers and their babies; Julia Greenspan, ASTHO Director of Infectious Disease Infrastructure and Policy, worries about rising rates of STIs in the country, but looks to policy for solutions; and Dr. Nizar Wehbi, North Dakota's State Health Officer, outlines the state’s plan to become the healthiest state in the nation.

Advisory Committee on Infant and Maternal Mortality Report: Making Amends – Recommended Strategies and Actions to Improve the Health and Safety of American Indian and Alaska Native Mothers and Infants

ASTHO Report: Policy Considerations for Reducing Congenital Syphilis

ASTHO Webpage: Innovative STD Prevention and Treatment Strategies

ASTHO Webpage: Reducing STI Stigma Through Inclusive Care Strategies

ASTHO Webpage: Stay Informed