On the final day of National Public Health Week, Laura Holtrop-Kohl, Utah Department of Health and Human Services HEAL Public Health Nutritionist, explains the value of making nutritious food widely available; an ASTHO blog article explains how food security and good nutrition support positive mental health; Dr. Gillian Steel-Fisher, Director of Global Polling at the Harvard Opinion Research Program, says a large portion of Americans trust public health agencies; ASTHO's website, publichealthcareers.org, is an important tool in helping to rebuild the public health workforce; and ASTHO has a communications focused summer reading list for health officials.

NPHW Daily Theme: Food and Nutrition

Supporting Positive Mental Health Through Food Security and Good Nutrition

Trust In US Federal, State, And Local Public Health Agencies During COVID-19: Responses And Policy Implications

Public Health Careers

Seven Impactful Books on Communications Health Officials Should Read Front to Back