Dr. Brian Castrucci, CEO and President of the de Beaumont Foundation, talks about data that shows public health is on track to lose 130,000 people by 2025; an ASTHO blog article discusses how colonialism, military presence, and political influence all have had an impact on disparities in the eight territories and freely associated states; and Dr. Mark Levine, Commissioner of the Vermont Department of Health, offers his opinion on how state and territorial health officials should be prominent spokespersons for health equity as well as other topics in ASTHO’s Leadership Trailblazer series.

Health Affairs News Article: The Exodus Of State And Local Public Health Employees: Separations Started Before And Continued Throughout COVID-19

ASTHO Blog Article: Overcoming Baked-In Inequities and Promoting Health Equity in the Island Areas

ASTHO Blog Article: Leadership Trailblazer Spotlight: Mark Levine, MD, Commissioner, Vermont Department of Health