Alec Tyson, Associate Director of Research at Pew Research Center, explains the results of a recent poll that confirms the challenges public health agencies had communicating pandemic decisions; Emily Dore, Director of Policy and Advocacy at Klick Health, hopes attendees will leave an ASTHO webinar with ideas to help them better reach Gen Z audiences; and Devon Page, ASTHO Government Affairs Analyst, says the House is moving ahead with plans to understand how the federal government and the states have managed their COVID-19 money.

Pew Research Center Webpage: Lack of Preparedness Among Top Reactions Americans Have to Public Health Officials’ COVID-19 Response

ASTHO Webpage: Cultivating Gen Z as Partners for Healthier Communities – Part 2

ASTHO Blog Article: Cultivating Gen Z as Partners for Healthier Communities

ASTHO Blog Article: Hearing the Hill

ASTHO Webpage: Newsroom