Dr. Jonathan Levy, Chair of the Department of Environmental Health with the Boston University School of Public Health, has new research that says white people in Massachusetts now are more likely to die from COVID than black or Hispanic people in the state; Morgan Zialcita, ASTHO Senior Analyst for Health Equity and Diversity Initiatives, discusses the agenda for ASTHO’s 2023 Health Equity Summit in Atlanta in late April; in a blog article Dr. Kimberlee Wyche Etheridge, ASTHO's Senior Vice President of Health Equality and Diversity, details a week-long trip to Honduras; and an ASTHO brief examines the need for better data about people living with disabilities.

Boston Globe News Article: COVID is still killing people every day. But its main victims have changed

ASTHO Webpage: Health Equity Summit – A Movement for Justice

ASTHO Blog Article: An American Public Health Physician in Honduras

ASTHO Brief: Better Defining Disability Will Make Data More Inclusive and Usable