Dr. Scott Rivkees, Professor of Practice of Health Services, Policy and Practice at the Brown School of Public Health, writes about the impact of denialism on public health in a guest column published in Washington D.C.’s Hill newspaper; Gaafar Uherbelau, Palau Minister of Health and Human Services, says the 2023 Palau Health Summit will focus the discussion on the importance and impact of health equity; in an ASTHO blog article, Dr. Kimberlee Wyche-Etheridge pays homage to five of the many impactful contributions made by African American women that have changed the course of America; and there’s still time to apply for ASTHO’s Diverse Executives Leading in Public Health program.

The Hill News Article: Denialism is seeping into legislation and undermining public health

ASTHO Blog Article: Celebrating Black HER-STORY

ASTHO Webpage: Diverse Executives Leading in Public Health