Caitlin Langhorne Griffith, ASTHO’s Director of Behavioral Health, unveils a new public health tool known as SPACECAT, or Suicide, Overdose and Adverse Childhood Experiences Prevention Capacity Assessment Tool; Talyah Sands, ASTHO Director of Health Improvement, discusses a new article written for the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice about a project to help agencies in Georgia better coordinate their work on behalf of older adults; ASTHO has won the 2022 Fries Prize for the organization’s contribution to improving public health; and Public Health Thank You Day is coming up on Monday, November 21st.


Journal of Public Health Management and Practice Webpage: Improving Older Adult Health by Operationalizing State Plans on Aging and Health Improvement

ASTHO News Release: ASTHO Awarded 2022 Fries Prize for Improving Public Health During COVID-19