Dr. Steven Stack, ASTHO President-Elect, discusses the new COVID-19 booster designed to protect against the latest variants; Dr. Anne Zink, ASTHO President, explains the need to bring health care and public health closer together in an ASTHO blog article; Carolyn Wester, Director of the Division of Viral Hepatitis with the CDC, looks at a new CDC report that says not enough people diagnosed with Hepatitis C receive timely treatment; and The National Center for Healthy Housing and Regional Asthma Management and Prevention has released a new report to support home-based asthma services.

ASTHO Blog Article: A Q&A with Anne Zink, ASTHO’s New President

CDC Webpage: New CDC Data Reveal Less Than a Third of People Diagnosed with Hepatitis C Receive Timely Treatment

National Center for Healthy Housing Webpage: Unlocking the Power of Home-Based Asthma Services: Model Health Benefit Packages

ASTHO Webpage: Be in the Know