Deborah Backman, ASTHO’s Senior Analyst for Maternal and Infant Health, calls attention to policies in place to protect breastfeeding during National Breastfeeding Month; Dr. Gary Anthone, Chief Medical Officer and Director of Public Health for the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, discusses the importance of National Immunization Awareness Month; for International Overdose Awareness Day, ASTHO has a video highlighting work Colorado has done to address this concern; and ASTHO is hiring for several open positions.

ASTHO Blog Article: Strategic Policies Protect Breastfeeding in Workplaces and Schools

CDC Webpage: Immunization Schedules

CDC Webpage: National Immunization Awareness Month

ASTHO Blog Article: How Strong Partnerships Improved Colorado's Suicide And Overdose Prevention Strategy

CDC Webpage: International Overdose Awareness Day Partner Toolkit

ASTHO Webpage: Careers at ASTHO