Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, discusses the plan to stretch monkeypox vaccine supplies by giving smaller doses;  Arjun Srinivasan, Associate Director for Healthcare Associated Infection Prevention Programs with the CDC, explains a CDC special report that says cases of antimicrobial resistant infections are rising again and COVID-19 is getting the blame; and Denise Octavia-Smith, Executive Director of the National Association of Community Health Workers, tells us community health workers are diverse and proven members of the public health workforce.

ASTHO Press Release: Statement from ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Marcus Plescia, MD, MPH on Monkeypox Outbreak in U.S.

CDC Webpage: COVID-19 Reverses Progress in Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance in U.S.

CDC Webpage: 2022 SPECIAL REPORT – COVID-19 U.S. Impact on Antimicrobial Resistance

ASTHO Blog Article: A Grassroots Leader’s Vision for the Future Community Health Workforce