Dr. Marcus Plescia, ASTHO’s Chief Medical Officer, reacts to President Biden’s new COVID-19 strategy; Dr. Norman Oliver, Virginia’s Health Commissioner, discusses the network ready to administer COVID-19 booster shots; Robin Matthies, ASTHO’s Director of Social and Behavioral Health, explains a new resource to help states and territories communicate suicide and overdose risk and protective factors; and we share information about a webinar for health teams looking for ideas to improve their COVID-19 outreach to their communities.

White House: Path out of the Pandemic 

ASTHO's Statement in response to the President's plan

ASTHO Infographic: Creating a shared approach to suicide and overdose prevention

Webpage: World Suicide Prevention Day

ASTHO Resource: The youth mental health crisis: States invest in suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention strategies

Webpage: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

ASTHO Event: APPLETREE COVID-19 supplemental project presentations part 2