Andy Baker-White, ASTHO’s Senior Director for State Health Policy, discusses the impact of this week’s federal court ruling striking down the mask requirement for people using public transportation; Phillip Talboy, Senior Advisor with the CDC’s Division of TB Elimination, examines the drop in tuberculosis cases in 2020 and emphasizes the importance of TB awareness among providers; ASTHO publishes a blog article detailing how the Louisiana Department of Health launched a mentorship program during the pandemic; and we link ASTHO’s statement on environmental health policy in recognition of Earth Day today!

Public Health Communications Collaborative: Answers to Tough Questions

Public Health Communications Collaborative: Talking Points and Answers to Tough Questions

CDC Webpage: Tuberculosis Data and Statistics

CDC Communications Campaign: Think. Test. Treat TB

ASTHO Blog Article: Louisiana Department of Health Mentorship Program Thriving During COVID Response

ASTHO Statement: Environmental Public Health Policy Statement