Dr. John Balbus, from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, explains the connection between weather and population health as part of our celebration of National Public Health Week; ASTHO’s Caroline Brazeel says work starts today on the 2022 Profile of State and Territorial Public Health; ASTHO publishes a new blog article offering an update on federal and state guidelines for delivery of behavioral health via telehealth technology; and Alabama State Health Officer Dr. Scott Harris discusses the future of telehealth on a new episode of the Public Health Review podcast now online.  

APHA Webpage: National Public Health Week

ASTHO Toolkit: Extreme Weather and Climate Readiness

ASTHO Blog Article: Joining Forces to Advance Resiliency to Complex Disasters

ASTHO Blog Article: United for One Health

ASTHO Profile of State and Territorial Public Health

ASTHO Blog Article: State, Federal Policies Increase Virtual Access to Behavioral Health Care

ASTHO Public Health Review Podcast: Public Health’s Role in Telehealth