Dr. Georges Benjamin, Executive Director of the American Public Health Association, says health equity impacts every public health consideration; the 2022 Preparedness Summit begins in Atlanta; data collection for the 2022 ASTHO Profile of State and Territorial Public Health gets underway Monday, April 11th; and Dr. Brian Castrucci, CEO of the de Beaumont Foundation, says the polling that indicates people support public health often doesn’t provide an accurate reading of community attitudes.

APHA Webpage: National Public Health Week

ASTHO Blog Article: State Policy Can Reduce Systemic Racism in Public Health

ASTHO Report: Achieving Optimal Health for All by Eliminating Structural Racism

2022 Preparedness Summit

ASTHO News Release: National Survey – Public Health Professionals Pushed to Limit

de Beaumont Foundation webpage: PH WINS 2021 Findings