Mike Fraser, ASTHO’s CEO, reflects on ASTHO’s history as the organization prepares to celebrate 80 years on March 23rd; Heidi Westermann, ASTHO’s Director of Public Health Systems and Planning, says ASTHO is helping Guam identify and build strong partnerships across government agencies; and Dr. Bruce Perry, a best-selling author and clinician, prepares to discuss ways to revitalize the public health workforce during a new Insight and Inspiration event scheduled for March 23rd.

ASTHO History Timeline

ASTHO Blog Article: Interagency Collaboration to Improve Business Processes in the U.S. Virgin Islands

ASTHO E-Learning: Quality Improvement Learning Series / Serie de aprendizaje de mejora de la calidad

ASTHO E-Learning: Introduction to Process Improvement

ASTHO Event: Insight and Inspiration – Monthly Conversations for Public Health Leaders in the Era of COVID-19