Providing excellent service to your patients is just one of the ways you can set yourself apart from other clinics. From the floor of the APTA CSM 2014, Dennis Bush, Senior Vice President, Consulting for Martin Healthcare Advisors healthcare executive and consultant recently shared some of his tips for providing magical service to your clients. [...]

Providing excellent service to your patients is just one of the ways you can set yourself apart from other clinics. From the floor of the APTA CSM 2014, Dennis Bush, Senior Vice President, Consulting for Martin Healthcare Advisors healthcare executive and consultant recently shared some of his tips for providing magical service to your clients.

Great service begins with something as simple as asking questions a little differently. Bush suggests instead of asking a patient if he is in pain, ask the patient to describe his pain. During the evaluation even asking a patient what their biggest fears about physical therapy are can provide a lot of information to help you truly address your patient’s needs. Learn more tips for incorporation magical service at your practice by listening to the full podcast now.

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