One of the highlights of 2017 was talking to the Two Presidents.  Emma Stokes of the WCPT and Sharon Dunn of the APTA.

Live from CSM 2017 in San Antonio, Jimmy sits down with American Physical Therapy Association’s President Sharon Dunn and World Confederation of Physical Therapy’s President Emma Stokes. They discuss how we’re going to change the world (but it depends on where you’re standing), the pioneers in our profession, and what it means to belong. They also talk about how cool our new headsets are. They all enjoy Karbach Brewing Company’s Love Street Kolsh-style Blonde.

Bio: Sharon Dunn, PT, PhD, OCS
Sharon L. Dunn, PT, PhD, OCS was born and raised in Shreveport, LA, and graduated in 1987 with a BS in Physical Therapy from LSUHSC in Shreveport. She completed a Masters of Health Sciences degree in 1996 and in 2006 she earned a PhD in Cellular Biology and Anatomy. Sharon achieved ABPTS Certification in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy in 1996 and was recertified in 2006. Sharon’s service to her professional organization began when she was a student and has continued to evolve throughout her career. She currently serves as President of the APTA.
Contact Sharon Dunn
Twitter: @DunnSdunn2

Bio: Emma Stokes BSc (Physio), MSc (research), MSc Mgmt, PhD
Emma Stokes qualified as a physiotherapist in 1990 [BSc Physiotherapy, Trinity College Dublin]. While working as a clinical physiotherapist at St. James’s Hospital, Dublin (1990-1996), she completed a post-graduate Diploma in Statistics in 1993 and MSc (Research) in 1995 both at Trinity College Dublin. She took up an academic position at Trinity College in 1996, completed a PhD in 2005 and a Master’s degree (MSc Mgmt, Business Administration) in the School of Business in 2008. She is an associate professor at the Department of Physiotherapy, Trinity College Dublin [1996 to date]. She was elected as a Fellow of the College in 2012. She commenced a Diploma in Leadership & Professional Coaching in September 2014. Since May 2015 she has been the President of WCPT.
Contact Emma Stokes
Twitter: @ekstokes

Episode Shoutouts
Dana Tew, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT of OPTIM Fellowship (@DanaTew )
Justin Moore, PT, DPT, CEO of the APTA (@policy4pt)
Jill Boissonnault, PT, PhD, WCS
Rebecca Stephenson, PT, DPT, MS, WCS
Marilyn Moffat, PT, DPT, PhD, FAPTA, former APTA and WCPT President (Bio)
Justin Dunaway, PT, DPT, OCS, President of STAND The Haiti Project (@DrDunawayDPT)
Morgan Denny, PT, DPT Board of Directors of STAND The Haiti Project

Episode Highlights
1:45 What keeps bringing you back to meetings like CSM?
“We are better together.”
2:57 Emma, you go to events like this around the world. How do they feel the same and different in different countries?
“There’s an enormous power in being together in the same space and really interacting with each other.”
4:38 Flirting with almost 100k members in the APTA
5:33 How do the APTA and WCPT collaborate?
6:14 How does the APTA interact with organizations in other countries to move the profession forward?
13:00 What can a practicing PT do to help advance the field of physical therapy?
“That best PR is to give the patient what they need when they need it, no more and no less.”
“If you’re practicing PT on a daily basis you need to be at your clinical best.”
16:26 Where are we going as a field?
“We can’t transform society by ourselves.”
“It depends on where you’re standing in the world.”

#PartingShot sponsored by OPTIM Fellowship
Roll your sleeves up and let’s do this
Join and join in
#WCPT2017 WCPT Congress 2017 Cape Town
Jimmy McKay: [00:00:01] The first round is on Owen's recovery science Owens recovery science is a single source for PTs OTs ATCs and DCs seeking certification personalized blood flow restriction rehabilitation training.
Jimmy McKay: [00:00:19] Certified Owens recovery science dot com
Jimmy McKay: [00:00:23] I can't thank you enough for taking a listen to the show for another year...

One of the highlights of 2017 was talking to the Two Presidents.  Emma Stokes of the WCPT and Sharon Dunn of the APTA.

Live from CSM 2017 in San Antonio, Jimmy sits down with American Physical Therapy Association’s President Sharon Dunn and World Confederation of Physical Therapy’s President Emma Stokes. They discuss how we’re going to change the world (but it depends on where you’re standing), the pioneers in our profession, and what it means to belong. They also talk about how cool our new headsets are. They all enjoy Karbach Brewing Company’s Love Street Kolsh-style Blonde.

Bio: Sharon Dunn, PT, PhD, OCS

Sharon L. Dunn, PT, PhD, OCS was born and raised in Shreveport, LA, and graduated in 1987 with a BS in Physical Therapy from LSUHSC in Shreveport. She completed a Masters of Health Sciences degree in 1996 and in 2006 she earned a PhD in Cellular Biology and Anatomy. Sharon achieved ABPTS Certification in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy in 1996 and was recertified in 2006. Sharon’s service to her professional organization began when she was a student and has continued to evolve throughout her career. She currently serves as President of the APTA.

Contact Sharon Dunn

Twitter: @DunnSdunn2

Bio: Emma Stokes BSc (Physio), MSc (research), MSc Mgmt, PhD

Emma Stokes qualified as a physiotherapist in 1990 [BSc Physiotherapy, Trinity College Dublin]. While working as a clinical physiotherapist at St. James’s Hospital, Dublin (1990-1996), she completed a post-graduate Diploma in Statistics in 1993 and MSc (Research) in 1995 both at Trinity College Dublin. She took up an academic position at Trinity College in 1996, completed a PhD in 2005 and a Master’s degree (MSc Mgmt, Business Administration) in the School of Business in 2008. She is an associate professor at the Department of Physiotherapy, Trinity College Dublin [1996 to date]. She was elected as a Fellow of the College in 2012. She commenced a Diploma in Leadership & Professional Coaching in September 2014. Since May 2015 she has been the President of WCPT.

Contact Emma Stokes

Twitter: @ekstokes

Episode Shoutouts

Dana Tew, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT of OPTIM Fellowship (@DanaTew )

Justin Moore, PT, DPT, CEO of the APTA (@policy4pt)

Jill Boissonnault, PT, PhD, WCS

Rebecca Stephenson, PT, DPT, MS, WCS

Marilyn Moffat, PT, DPT, PhD, FAPTA, former APTA and WCPT President (Bio)

Justin Dunaway, PT, DPT, OCS, President of STAND The Haiti Project (@DrDunawayDPT)

Morgan Denny, PT, DPT Board of Directors of STAND The Haiti Project

Episode Highlights

1:45 What keeps bringing you back to meetings like CSM?

“We are better together.”

2:57 Emma, you go to events like this around the world. How do they feel the same and different in different countries?

“There’s an enormous power in being together in the same space and really interacting with each other.”

4:38 Flirting with almost 100k members in the APTA

5:33 How do the APTA and WCPT collaborate?

6:14 How does the APTA interact with organizations in other countries to move the profession forward?

13:00 What can a practicing PT do to help advance the field of physical therapy?

“That best PR is to give the patient what they need when they need it, no more and no less.”

“If you’re practicing PT on a daily basis you need to be at your clinical best.”

16:26 Where are we going as a field?

“We can’t transform society by ourselves.”

“It depends on where you’re standing in the world.”

#PartingShot sponsored by OPTIM Fellowship

Roll your sleeves up and let’s do this

Join and join in

#WCPT2017 WCPT Congress 2017 Cape Town


Jimmy McKay: [00:00:01] The first round is on Owen’s recovery science Owens recovery science is a single source for PTs OTs ATCs and DCs seeking certification personalized blood flow restriction rehabilitation training.

Jimmy McKay: [00:00:19] Certified Owens recovery science dot com

Jimmy McKay: [00:00:23] I can’t thank you enough for taking a listen to the show for another year in 2017 and as we come to a close and get ready to start another season of Peetie pint cast we take a look back and give you the top eight episodes of 2018. They are in no particular order. Again one thank you for sticking with us and listening to us and most of all for telling a friend the show is and will be always free for you to listen to and the best way you can show your appreciation is just by telling a friend Sharon episode on social media or sending an e-mail to a colleague. So thank you for telling a friend. So take a listen and enjoy one of our top 8 episodes of 2018.

Jimmy McKay: [00:01:04] Whether you want to escape the snow or play in it Arias Medical has you covered. Try a rewarding travel assignment during the holiday season with Aureus medical group call Arias at 1 800 3 4 026 19 or visit Aureus medical. That’s AUREUS medical dot com.

Adam Semanski: [00:01:25] This is the PTG. Podcast that talks about physical therapy. Over here bringing together clinicians researchers and forward thinking Petey’s in a show that is anything. But boring.

Adam Semanski: [00:01:43] This is the PT Pintcast with your host Jimmy McKay.

Jimmy McKay: [00:01:48] So the best conversations happen at happy hour. Welcome to live at CSM 2017. We are in San Antonio for what I’ve been told throughout the day is the biggest combined sessions meeting in American Physical Therapy Association history and we’ve got two big dogs to be nervous right now. We’ve got a PTA president Sharon Dunn on a show and we’ve got WCT President Emma Stokes. Ladies thank you very much for coming on the podcast.

Sharon Dunn: [00:02:13] Thank you Jamie for an invitation. You’re right. This is the largest meeting in aviation history. That is a big one. We had 14000 registrants yesterday that includes our exhibitors. So we’re over 12000 PT’s and PTA’s. That’s also true. Congratulations on that. First questions are always the hardest. What are we drinking and I’m supplying the beer today brewed in Texas from the Karbach Brewing Company. Love street Cole style blonde is what I forgot for you.

Jimmy McKay: [00:02:38] So a sheer seahorse. And here’s to PT oh I love a pale ale. It’s not bad. I want to thank Dana Tew for suggesting that one is supplying us with the beers. So when you guys get together at a meeting like this you guys I heard you guys talking hit the ground running and just doing a million things like this. So that’s why I want to say thank you for your time. Wiki’s bring you back besides your obligations. But what do you like him do you look forward to with a meeting like the the combined sessions meeting.

Jimmy McKay: [00:03:03] The energy and the interacting with with colleagues across the country. But I was just sharing with Emma we’ve got international colleagues from Australia from Canada from Korea from the Bahamas and it’s wonderful to say that this meeting is attracting our colleagues from a global perspective as well as our U.S. physical therapist so getting together and that’s something that we’ve spoken for the last two years is that we are better together. And when we come together outline our tools and resources and most important as a human resource of our practitioners into seeking to pursue the vision that we have that we would transform society. It brings reciprocal energy on the table that’s really inspiring.

[00:03:50] I saw Justin Moore jumped on that you know grabbing your slogan Better Together and kind of putting that out there and seeing a you know APTA CSM to actually trending on Twitter is kind of a big deal and you kind of follow along at home. I mean you go to events like this all over the world for how they feel the same and different in different countries.

Emma Stokes: [00:04:05] Well look first of all I’m thrilled to be here. It’s my first CSM so I’m Yeah. Yeah so it’s feeling slightly overwhelmed. It has to be said I guess there’s a way of navigating CSM which the more you come the better you get out just like us. And so. The thing that I see all over the world is as Sharon said there’s an enormous power in being together in the same space and really interacting with one another great energy. You see you do see that across the world. This is probably one. This is the largest meeting that I’ve ever been asked of physical therapists. I don’t think I’ve been on a larger one I think that when I was in Japan was about eight thousand PTs. It’s a very different field. And yet when you see if you look around around this room last night if you look around the lobby if you look around the exhibit hall in the convention center as you see in huddles talking to one another you know exchanging the with the content that they’ve listened to catching up from you know if they were at school. So there’s huge power in that sort of collective I guess ownership of the profession and a real sense of belonging when you come to a conference like this you come away reenergized by your profession and I think that’s a common theme that we see around the world as a physiotherapist like to belong and professional organizations like the A PTA and the sections particularly give that sense of belonging a much more immediate feeling and then when you will come to a meeting like this you start to connect with individuals and you do a lot of networking you get content you know in our case we spend probably a lot of our time at meetings. And then you just walk around and talk to the people and I have a great networking rule that I don’t know if I share with you before but I we’ll talk about it later. OK. I like that.

Jimmy McKay: [00:05:42] So you talk about connecting it and being together and belonging. And we’re talking about what’s up in terms of we’re getting close to 100000 members of the APTA. This meeting is getting bigger and bigger I think people are starting to I guess as we call here drink the kool aid and getting whatever everybody’s talking about and spreading the word. That’s got to feel good flirting with 100 k feels very good.

Sharon Dunn: [00:06:01] We feel good about the direction association because people want to join.

Jimmy McKay: [00:06:06] And they’re showing the bay you know the debate that they buy in. And they believe yeah.

Sharon Dunn: [00:06:10] So were evidently showing value. I think CSM has a great brand of value for content expertise. So this is where physical therapist and physical therapist assistants come to get their content knowledge to take back to their clinic day one and make an impact with the patient. But as Emma said it’s also the place they come and connect and share frustrations but also share the victories that we get to experience every day in the clinic with our patients.

Jimmy McKay: [00:06:37] While you’re both sitting here. If you could summarize how does the PTA and the WCT how do you guys work together how do you how do you collaborate.

Sharon Dunn: [00:06:44] APTA is a member organization WCPT and the Emma can share how many member organizations there are across the world. But as part of WCPT a is also a part of the North American Caribbean region so where a part of a regional network of member organizations to enter and then a part of the embassy party and.

Jimmy McKay: [00:07:06] Can we do should we do more meetings in the Caribbean region?

Sharon Dunn: [00:07:10] I would agree with that. Actually we had we had our Nic our meeting last year in the Caribbean.

Jimmy McKay: [00:07:15] I didn’t get the email show on the phone. What do you see in terms of how the APTA belongs in other countries how do we react or how those those organizations interact with each other to move the profession forward from a worldwide perspective.

Emma Stokes: [00:07:28] Look a APTA has been a founding member of WCPT and has gifted us. Amazing leaders over the years since the WCPT was founded in 1951. We have a 112 member organizations and two professional organizations of great diversity. So we have member organizations that might have 13 members to member organizations the size of APTA which you know it’s a huge huge diversity. APTA contributes very significantly to the financial model. WCPT our model is that our member organizations pay a per capita fee.

Sharon Dunn: [00:08:00] So you know as our membership grows it obviously. Exactly. So she’s thrilled about our hundred that I was very happy.

Emma Stokes: [00:08:08] I’m very happy. I’d like I hope the PTA board are very happy about the telegraph to rise. So it’s you know it’s financial but it’s it’s a lot more than that. And you know I think it’s really important to this is one of the key conversations that we’ve been having in the last couple of years is how do we demonstrate to a PTA members that the financial contribution that APTA makes to WCPT has a value for a APTA which is what we always try to do for membership here as well. Yes absolutely. And in some ways you know it does transcend a transactional relationship. But everyone needs to have the answer which is why getting for us. Exactly. So I think one of the things that we’re really trying to do it WCPT is is really explicitly at the relationships that we have with member organisations and unpack those so that we can be clear. That Sharon can go back to the board of the APTA members and say here’s what we get in return for participating. So you know a few the ideas that we’ve been sort of tossing around are perhaps some of our member organizations working collaboratively in generating thought leadership. I’m calling it thought leadership because of the diversity of the ideas that are holding very diverse ideas. That’s what a global organisation can do because it takes all of the perspectives but we want to obviously work with key partners. KEY member organizations when I say key I mean organisations up for that particular question. So for instance say something like advanced physiotherapy practice or the value of physiotherapy that those organizations can contribute to creating that thought leadership role model and not have a real sense of ownership of us that if you like there’s a collaborative advantage in bringing organizations together and the other. Exactly. And so it’s better together beyond the sort of national boundaries or the jurisdictions. Interestingly if you look at the WCPT subgroups and I’m speaking at the fortieth anniversary of the Women’s Health section this evening you know. The Women’s Health section was driven by amazing women who are APTA so you know Jill Boissonnault and Rebecca Stephenson were on the founding Executive Board. We would not have an international women’s organization if Jill had not gone to WCPT Party Congress in Washington D.C. in 1995 and sat there and learned about the diversity of women’s health around the world. And you know in conversation with her she said that’s what motivated her to then go on and really work with other people other member organizations around the world to develop the Women’s Health section. So I think in some ways the subgroup of WCT the international sup group of WCPT of women’s health feeds back into a PTA and other member organizations around the world through that collaboration. So WCPT provides if you like a structure and a skeleton for those type of organizations to develop and exist and that feeds back into member organizations like APTA. I mean we also have to acknowledge that Marilyn Moffatt was the president of WCPT party for eight years she was that APTA. She’s you know a living legend in APTA so in a way we get that gift from the member organizations because you don’t become the president of WCPT without having sort of done a lot of work in your national organization. I guess one of the things that I really struggle with all of the time is that sense of how do we ensure that that relationship feels like a proper relationship of give and take. And global organizations have a role that national organizations come to and for instance are work at WHO which has gone really it’s really interesting and what we’ve been asked to do recently the APTA will be asked to do that by WHO. It will be WCPT that will be asked to do that. And if we can then work with our member organizations to shape. Perhaps policy at that level or bring together global cooperation that then cascade down into policy national policy and health but also draw in the expertise of the individual members. I’m hoping that that type of if you like influence and advocacy out at a global level or a WHO regional level will be something that is felt to be of benefit to that each member is working hard on that.

Jimmy McKay: [00:11:59] Yeah it sounds as if the WCP is a larger version where instead of state organizations and special interest groups these countries. But that’s the way to connect the profession and make it a global profession because now it is.

Sharon Dunn: [00:12:10] So as Emma was speaking I was thinking about a PTA as a model for what she’s leading with. WCPT we have sections and chapters that WCPT has member organizations. So to make this work globally as well as nationally communication is so important to make sure you’re staying in touch with one member needs are but also keeping your members in touch with what the organizations directions are are so that the two can inform the other you very very closely knitted.

Adam Semanski: [00:12:42] And seen it it will. Go research. Or review errors or failure by.

Jimmy McKay: [00:12:57] Introducing eco pro pillow covers. Good for the environment and your clinic’s bottom line. Eco pro pillow covers for the clinic a pillow case replacement designed to be wiped clean just like your treatment tables. Each Decaux pro pillow cover saves you twenty six hundred gallons of water per year. Time spent wandering pillowcases and the money involved with clinic laundry with no special container required a special deal for punk ass listeners when you order online eco pro pillows dotcom you’ll get free shipping on any size order with the promo code pink cast Eco pro pillow covers created by PTs for PTs considering a travel assignment over the holidays or ready to escape the cold weather for some winter sunshine AUREUS medical group is the leading health care staffing agency offering travel and full time career opportunities for Petey’s nationwide call AUREUS at 1 800 3 4 0 26 19 or visit AUREUS medical dot com. That’s AUREUS medical dot com.

[00:13:55] Let’s give advice to the back story to see you.

Jimmy McKay: [00:14:02] Let’s get back to the show now. OK so do you want to start. A question for you. Go go from top to bottom or bottom to top bottom to top bottom to top. What. Can a practicing peaty do. The guy who’s just now third is clean. What can he do to help advance the field of physical therapy. So the guy on the street the guy who is attending this conference who came from Iowa. What can he do. You know he wants to feel like he’s belongs and he’s going to see if he’s here so he buys in. What can he do on a daily or yearly basis.

Sharon Dunn: [00:14:29] My Impression of what he can do on a daily basis his bring his absolute best to every patient in the clinic. Best PR boss at best best PR is to give the patients what they need when they need it no more and no less. And to do that physical therapist has to be in tune with what the latest and innovative practice techniques are as evidenced behind it and that’s what APTA would like to bring to that clinician to be in touch with what we have as best evidence to give that so they know that they’re getting. The patient the best care and how do they find out about that and that is through membership APTA and also joining the section that that represents their practice area to stay abreast of what’s new of current current practices.

Jimmy McKay: [00:15:17] Same question what you think around the world. What can it what can a peaty do on a on a daily or you know make it a focus. You know even if I’m a PT and in any country in the world I can help in some small part which will add up better together to advance things in the field what’s something they can do.

Emma Stokes: [00:15:31] My starting off point is they they have to be a member of their professional organizations. So you know if they’re not a member of their pression organization. Then you can’t complain when you can’t complain but you know to be honest that’s an absolute it’s it’s just it’s incomprehensible to me that people would not be a member of the oppressive organization. And I’m also you know I very strong opinion that it shouldn’t be a transactional relationship so it shouldn’t shouldn’t be just that you that you are a member but that you actually join in and have an opinion. And you know volunteer if you can have the time in your in your section you know if it’s a critical interest area that you’re interested in or you know more generally in other aspects of professional organization. I mean clearly if you’re practicing physiotherapy on a day to day basis you need to be at your clinical best. And that’s I mean I’d absolutely echo Sharon has said in relation to that. But if we were to look at it from the point of view of growing professional organizations reach and influence a capacity like APTA models all of the time if you’re from a small organization it’s as important to be a member of APTA as it is to be a member of an organization say in Ireland where I come from. And that’s a message that I really really push because it’s just so important that you are engaged depression’s who are engaged are more likely to be engaging in ongoing professional education and sharing their competence and then delivering the best service to their patients. But it is a bit more than that as well. For me it is that sense of. If you profess to be part of a profession that you know you need to just sign on the dotted line and hand over your money every year and get a rolling boat you’ve got to get them going in row the boat.

Sharon Dunn: [00:16:58] I’m president of a PTA and I find it difficult to keep up with what’s happening on the federal level on the state level and then much less what’s happening in clinical practice clinical practice guidelines come out and to stay abreast of all of that without a connection to APTA. Good luck. I just don’t know how people would do that to bring their best to the patients. So that’s what we’re striving to do is make those touch points easier for clinicians to stay connected with us so that they can bring the absolute best to their patients.

Jimmy McKay: [00:17:30] OK so we’re from the bottom how we go over top where we go as a field we can go nationwide with Sharon and we can go worldwide where are we headed because it feels like a good direction when we’re here when we’re in the room full of 14000 people. These rooms are getting bigger and bigger as we do more CSM’s. I’m excited. I just became a six months ago and I’m pumped. Where are we headed?

Sharon Dunn: [00:17:47] I can tell you what our vision is you know what our vision is is to transform society by optimizing movement to improve the human experience. With that we have to go to collaboration is one of the guiding principles of this new vision. We can’t transform society by ourselves socially. Yes we need to reach out to partners whether it’s global partners or local partners in our communities to make a difference for those that we serve. So we’re going towards transforming society and we have to think of others involved so that we can bring the best to our communities movement the social determinants of health. Are so critical and we are a key player in matching what the patient’s needs are to the community services that are there still colloboration I think is the next big step for us to be able to realize are leverage where we can actually do for society right. I like that. What do you think.

Emma Stokes: [00:18:42] It’s a great question I always answered by saying it depends on where you’re standing in the world. OK. You know because if it’s going to look very different in the United States of America compared to other parts of the world where perhaps that number is a physical therapist are incredibly low. So what the future is really bright for us we are key to as you were saying transforming society and enabling individuals to be the best. That they can in terms of their abilities and their functional independence through movement. But it is very different then depending where you are. You know here in Nepal where they’re rebuilding society rebuilding communities after the earthquake in 2015 that’s a different future deeper into a physical therapist of the United States or indeed a physical therapist in Ireland. So our our role is to ensure that we support organizations wherever they are and that in that journey or whatever their future looks like to be the best version of the profession as they can be at the time that they’re out of the place they are.

Jimmy McKay: [00:19:36] And that’s a way that you as an APTA member are connected to physical therapists around the world by being an APTA member which is also a member Organisation of WCPT your colleagues, I mean because you’re in the same field and you’re connected by his professional organization that your profession is what you want when someone says you know where you are from what you do. This is the thing you lead with you know so you should be proud of that. The way to show that you’re proud of that is getting in there and being a member. Talking last night was a guy named Justin Dunaway and Morgan Denny who do a project called Stand for Haiti. They go to Haiti four times a year. And just to hear their impassioned plea of physical therapy can it can change lives. Look look what it can do in Haiti. I mean they give these amazing stories and just showing that yeah they don’t have enough there. And we maybe get a little bit too lax here in the United States because you know we’ve got Wi-Fi and we have cold beer where we want it but without this thing like physical therapy on hand in Haiti they’re lacking some services so it makes it makes me feel what we do for a professional are more important. When you hear how it can actually change someone’s life directly. I like that very much every episode that we record is a pint before don’t we do shots parting shots of wisdom.

Jimmy McKay: [00:20:43] Powered by OPTIM, OPTIM offers weekend courses that are Monday morning applicable utilizing approaches that make sense excellence enhance treatment exercise prescription pain science and clinical reasoning as well as in APTA accredited fellowship and orthopedic manual therapy both online and in person mentoring with locations in Houston Dallas in Scottsdale Arizona. Find out more online at OPTIM Fellowship Dot Com.

Jimmy McKay: [00:21:07] So if you were to be. Yeah we can do we can cheers again if you want. We. So if you were on stage in front of everybody here and you were going to leave if you know I’ll kind of drop the mike walk off stage momento for them take with him with something you want to leave the field of physical therapy here in the United States in the world because we’ve been heard in 106 different countries so hopefully some PT colleagues of mine are listening to this and getting a lot of as much out of it as I am. What’s your parting shot for today’s episode. We’re going to leave them with Sharon.

Sharon Dunn: [00:21:35] There’s so much to accomplish together. Roll your sleeves up and let’s do this.

Jimmy McKay: [00:21:40] I’m ready to go. Got sleeves rolled up. Yeah there’s a lot. And I think it feels good for me because you know I’ve been in the field as a student and now as a preteen for three and a half years and it feels like we’re moving in a great direction. The more we talked about it we’re moving in a greater now I would say join us here so we can find things for everyone to do to help us in this initiative. I like it. We’ll throw a party when we hit 100k.

Sharon Dunn: [00:22:01] Of course hundred K party and then we’re gonna throw another party when we hit a hundred years old. You are years old as you are. When are we 100 years old 2012 four years away. That’s so weird that you said 2014 when I was like wow that’s a long time but it’s at 20 something I keeps 2017 2021 is four years from now. That is weird parting shot. Mean what do you leave the audience with.

Emma Stokes: [00:22:21] It’s one that I say all the time which is join and join in. I mean I think Kara and I are on the same page as that. And. Be connected. You know it’s easy to be connected in the global physiotherapy community now and there’s so much to learn and. So reach out to other organizations see what they’re doing see what’s happening. You know social media makes being part of the global physiotherapy community is so easy and fun and fun. Exactly. Absolutely. And you know if you have that opportunity and you’ve got a few days free around July 4th come to Cape Town and be part of the global physiotherapy community just invite me to Cape Town because I’ll come. Well there you go I’m inviting anyone who wants to come to Cape Town to come to Cape Town get onto our website and have a look at our Congress and let me tell you you know as amazing as this Congress is being at a WCPT Congress is, and Sharon you were in Singapore. I was not you were around her was the day when you’re going to be came town. So what happens is the Congress. We have. Physical therapist so you know it’s not as big as. CSM by any means. You know you come away from a Congress it is probably one of the most transformative professional experiences he will ever have. And you come away and you go home and you realize just how much you have learned from physical therapist all over the world and you come back and it sort of feels a little lonely for a while because without that you don’t love your physiotherapy colleagues from Ireland or the United States. But. Your world is just a little less three dimensional for me reconnected in a room like that. Yeah and it is. You know and I think we can all learn from those types of opportunities. So if you get a chance come to Cape Town in July and if you don’t then think about coming to Geneva and 2019. But everyone should come to Congress. Once in their life. Absolutely.

Jimmy McKay: [00:24:01] And you don’t have to twist my arm to go to South Africa. Ladies I know you guys are tremendously busy at an event like this. I appreciate any amount of time you can spare. Thank you very much for talking to us about how connected we are and how much better we can be together.

Sharon Dunn: [00:24:13] So thank you guys very much because making me feel like Dabo Sweeney this was awesome. You to get a picture with the likes of the headset microphones. We feel like we’re we’re sidelined. College football coaches but. But thank you guys we appreciate you and for all that you do for us as members of this great profession. Thank you Jimmy.

Adam Semanski: [00:24:29] Follow us on Twitter at PT Pintcast and online PT P. Except with way more important information and Miley Cyrus. OK. It’s not like TMZ at all.

[00:24:46] The PT Pintcast is a product of PT Pintcast LLC produced by the CBO.

[00:24:55] Skye Donovan from Marymount University. We talk PT, drink beer and record it. Has been another pour from the peaty by.

[00:25:05] Podcasting. It’s a great way to reach a huge audience. We’re portable free to download and can be heard across the planet. Here on the PC podcast we can paint a picture for your company to help spread your message to physical therapists across the world. With our show. We can put pictures into people’s minds here. Let me show you what I mean. Like if I push this button right here.

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[00:25:50] We paint pictures with sound and can paint a picture of your company on our show. That’ll leave an impression to have us paint for you and spread your message across the world. Contact us on line at Peetie pine cancer doctor. Let’s see what this one does.

[00:26:06] The peachy by chance is intended for educational purposes only clinical decision making should be based solely on one source. Care is taken to ensure accuracy. Actual errors can be present. Our lawyers made us read that.


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