Episode 86 (Chang Cheh: Grandmaster part 4) This week we conclude our Chang Cheh series with three of his most outlandish and entertaining films. First up is The Crippled Avengers. The Venom Mob return with head spinning choreography, for this action packed dose of violence and revenge. A group of maimed villagers train to work around their disabilities and to avenge the brutal warlord who inflicted their afflictions. Next up we get The Masked Avengers, a group of warriors seek to discover the identities and quash of a gang of trident carrying masked menaces, who have been terrorizing the countryside, and bringing their victims to a secret torture party palace. Finally we watch Five Element Ninja’s an extravaganza of action packed lunacy featuring kung fu students who are forced into an existential battle with a series of ninjas trained in methods representing various elements. Cheh turns things up to 11 with this film featuring some of the most insane violence and costuming of his career. Five Element Ninjas stands as one of his last great masterpieces.

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