PsychotroniCast concludes its Seagal Six Series with his best and worst film in the collection. Most people have heard the elevator pitch to Under Siege: Die Hard on a boat. But we at PsychotroniCast believe that it is in fact better than Die Hard. Blasphemy?! Both Seagal and Willis are equal parts douche bag on screen, with the edge going to Bruce for his actual charisma. Even though Alan Rickman created the white collar terrorist archetype as Hans Gruber; Under Siege has Tommy Lee Jones taking over a naval ship in a leather jacket and bandana while simultaneously being the hype man / harmonica player in his blues rock band of terrorists named: Bad Billy and the Bail Jumpers. Oh yeah, Gary Busey is showcased in drag. Give us the U.S.S. Missouri over the Nakatomi Building Plaza any day of the week!

PsychotroniCast then closes the door on Segal with his directorial debut (and finale) On Deadly Ground. Even though this film is shittier than then the last 500 yards of Andy Dufresne's escape from Shawshank, it still has it's awesomely bad moments.