PsychotroniCast begins the new year with a new series: The Seagal Six. The boys will be covering the first six films of Steven Seagal in 3 double feature installments. They will also be discussing Seagal's personal life which is nothing above sub human. There are countless stories and records of Steven Seagal being an absolute monster which puts a different lens on how you interpret his work on screen. The first two films on the docket are: Above the Law and Hard to Kill. With both, Seagal plays a holier than thou cop who is on a mission to clean up the scum in the world. He's the toughest, bravest, most enlightened, and biggest bad ass on the planet. Truly the antithesis of the real Segal, who is somehow still not behind bars. Buckle up, this series is taking you to the bank... the blood bank.