October 26, 2020: For this nationwide edition of PSYCHOTIC BUMP SCHOOL, DJ ROME welcomes voters from across the country to discuss voting activities in their local areas. Very special guests include NICHOLAS MAZE (Michigan), CARLY SCHNEIDER ISRAEL (Florida), JONATHAN "DJ CALI RASCAL" SIMON (Nebraska), SIDNEY TENCZA (Kentucky), JESSICA LI
(California), and SIERRA HINES (North Carolina). Let's get out and vote.

DJ CALI RASCAL: https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/m4bXXyW5274njeBM8


Register to Vote: WWW.VOTE.ORG
LeBron James: @morethanavote
Early Voting Calendar: https://www.vote.org/early-voting-calendar/
Protect our Elections: Fair Fight: https://fairfight.com/
When We All Vote: https://www.whenweallvote.org/